Engaging plots, made easy.

Easily turn your data into engaging visualizations. Powerful API for coders. Powerful app for everyone.

from plotapi import Chord

Chord(matrix, names).show()

Visualizations Sankey

Link background color

Until we mouseover a Sankey link, what we actually see is the background color. By default, this background colour is set to be the same as the link foreground color, as defined by the `colors` parameter, which by default is `"gradient"`.

Sample data

Let's import PlotAPI and load our sample data.

from plotapi import Sankey

links = [
    {"source":"Group A", "target":"Rank 1", "value": 1000},
    {"source":"Group B", "target":"Rank 1", "value": 300},
    {"source":"Group B", "target":"Rank 2", "value": 600},
    {"source":"Group B", "target":"Rank 3", "value": 400},
    {"source":"Rank 1", "target":"Club A", "value": 700},
    {"source":"Rank 1", "target":"Club B", "value": 400},
    {"source":"Rank 1", "target":"Club C", "value": 200},
    {"source":"Rank 2", "target":"Club B", "value": 200},
    {"source":"Rank 2", "target":"Club C", "value": 400},
    {"source":"Rank 3", "target":"Withdrawn", "value": 400},
    {"source":"Club A", "target":"The Most Amazing Prize", "value": 500},


We can set the link background colour by passing a HEX colour code or string alias into the link_background_color parameter. Let's try setting the link background colour to grey.

Sankey(links, link_background_color="grey").show()